Wednesday, 28 November 2007


a friend of mine told me yesterday that i am a PERFECTIONIST.
he said that :i want things to go the perfect way, i want things to be right all d time that sometimes i am just pushing myself way tooo hard.i never give myself credit where it is due.

i came home yesterday...sat down having my dinner and thought about wut he said.
maybe he got a point there...maybe i am being too harsh on myself all these while.

all i want is to DO MY BEST.

does the urge of wanting to do my best drives me into being a perfectionist? wut is the difference between these two? ain't perfect is 'the best of the best'?

Monday, 25 June 2007

Welcome! (^_^)

i hv always been a keen 'reader' of people's blog...never thought that one day i wud want to be a 'writer' too..but i's now the time to start something new for me..a gud fresh beginning (i hope =) )

As a start...i wud love to contribute to The "tag for charity" from Uncle Id's blog. (one of the must-visit-blog for me everyday(^_^) ). The tag was one of the urge for me to start writting my own blog.

To uncle Id's...may Allah bless u!

Here it goes...

1. A person is only as good as his/her heart cud be.

2. Friendship is sharing and caring.

3. To love is to give generously and never expect a return.

4. Money makes me nervous! =p

5. I miss my old 'me'

6. My way of saying I care is by showing you that i care (actions speak louder than words) =)

7. I try to spread love and happiness by smiles=)

8. Pick the flowers when 'love' is in the air.

9. To love someone is to accept him/her the way he/she is.

10. Beauty is from within

11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was I've once failed my Arabic test (siap mintak ibu nk tukar sekolah lagi..hehe..but luckily that was the only one odd time)

12. When I was twenty one, I remember that was my first time celebrating my birthday in UK (far far away from my family)

13. I am most happy when everything went well as planned.

14. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my parents smiling

15. If I can change one thing, I will change the world into a better place

16. If smiles were not so difficult at hard times then I am sure this world will full with smiles and laughter

17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all 'love' each other and live without any hatred

18. If you want to success then you have to be strong!

19. Money is not everything but in nowadays world, everything is money.

20. The most touching moments I have experienced is when my ibu and ayah said "I love U" at the end of every phone calls.

21. I smile when I think of my happy moments.

22. When I am happy, I feel like i have a whole lot of energy to study, play squash and do some cooking and baking! =D

23. If only I don't have to grow up, then I can always be a manja lil girl. hihi.=p

24. The best thing I did yesterday was to talk to one of my best friend whom i havent spoken to for months.

25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"Little Gems"

26. One thing I must do before I die is to perfom my 'rukun islam yg ke-5'

27. Doing this meme, I feel like giving myself a gud new beginning and helping a friend doing some gud to the world! (^_^)'s not as easy as i think it will be to complete the 27 sentences..but at last i did them all. =)

Since i am a new blogger..i will not tag anyone specifically.Everyone is welcome to join in!

Will write again later..till then..take care.